This is what you really came here to see. The bread and butter of this site is the distribution of my AMVs after all. Just follow the links in the list to see the information about each video. If you don't want to download right away you can use the embedded streaming version to watch. Kind of a try before you buy kind of thing eh?
Basic Info and .org Link |
Distro Download/Stream |
Video: By Myself (Preview) Category: Action, Drama Anime: Rurouni Kenshin (TV), Rurouni Kenshin / Samurai X - 1st OVA (Tsuiokuhen, Trust & Betrayal) Song: By Myself Artist: Linkin Park Creator: ngsilver (N. G. Silver & Friends Productions) |
By Myself |
Video: Wonder (Preview) Category: Drama, Romance Anime: Ah! My Goddess (Movie) Song: Epiphany Artist: Staind Creator: ngsilver (N. G. Silver & Friends Productions) |
Wonder |
Video: I Stand Alone (Preview) Category: Action, Drama Anime: Iria: Zeiram the Animation Song: Frequency Artist: Tantric Creator: ngsilver (N. G. Silver & Friends Productions) |
I Stand Alone |
Video: Apocalyptic Silence (Preview) Category: Action, Drama, Serious, etc. (+1) Anime: X (TV) Song: Silence Artist: Sarah McLachlan Creator: ngsilver (N. G. Silver & Friends Productions) |
Apocalyptic Silence |
Video: A Mood in Bossa (Preview) Category: Instrumental Anime: Lunar Legend Tsukihime (Shingetsutan Tsukihime) Song: A Mood in Bossa Artist: Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 OST Creator: ngsilver (N. G. Silver & Friends Productions) |
A Mood in Bossa |
Video: She Has The Touch (Preview) Category: Action, Drama, Character Profile, etc. (+1) Anime: Armitage III OAV, Armitage III: Polymatrix Song: I Have The Touch Artist: Peter Gabriel Creator: ngsilver (N. G. Silver & Friends Productions) |
She Has the Touch |
Video: Dance!!! (Preview) Category: Fun, Dance Anime: Ranma 1/2, Invader Zim, Maria-sama ga Miteru (The Virgin Mary is Watching), etc. (+21) Song: Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) Artist: C&c Music Factory Creator: ngsilver (N. G. Silver & Friends Productions) |
Dance!!! |
Video: Do You FEAR? (Preview) Category: Drama, Serious Anime: Please Save My Earth Song: F.E.A.R. Artist: Ian Brown Creator: ngsilver (N. G. Silver & Friends Productions) |
Do You FEAR? |
Video: Tearing Down Walls (Preview) Category: Drama, Serious, Sentimental, etc. (+1) Anime: Great Teacher Onizuka Song: Scattered Rain Artist: Trigun, The 2nd Donut Creator: ngsilver (N. G. Silver & Friends Productions) |
Tearing Down Walls |
Video: Love and Hate (Preview) Category: Drama, Character Profile Anime: Sailor Moon Stars Song: Echelon Artist: 30 Seconds to Mars Creator: ngsilver (N. G. Silver & Friends Productions) |
Love and Hate |
Video: Dance 2.0 (Preview) Category: Comedy, Fun, Dance Anime: Haré+Guu (TV), Sailor Moon, Yu Yu Hakusho, etc. (+11) Song: What Is Love? Artist: Haddaway Creator: ngsilver (N. G. Silver & Friends Productions) |
Dance 2.0 |
Video: Dance 3.0 (Preview) Category: Comedy, Fun, Dance Anime: Happy Lesson, Fullmetal Alchemist (TV), Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, The (TV), etc. (+11) Song: Cantaloop Artist: US3 Creator: ngsilver (N. G. Silver & Friends Productions) |
Dance 3.0 |
Video: DBZ Earth (Sailor Earth Mep Track) (Preview) Category: Action, Parody, Serious, etc. (+1) Anime: DragonBall Z Song: Opening Artist: Linkin Park Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
DBZ Earth |
Video: She\'s Got the Power (Preview) Category: Action, Drama, Fun, etc. (+1) Anime: Sailor Moon Stars Song: She\'s Got the Power Artist: Sailor Moon Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
She's Got the Power |
Video: Miracle Dance Night (Preview) Category: Drama, Fun, Serious, etc. (+2) Anime: Blue Seed Song: Miracle Dance Night Artist: PGSM Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
Miracle Dance Night |
Video: Dance 4.0 - The End of 4chan (Preview) Category: Comedy, Other, Parody, etc. (+2) Anime: Yotsuba&! (Manga) , Naruto, Kirarin Revolution (TV), etc. (+18) Song: Scatman (Third-Level Mix) Artist: Scatman John Creator: ngsilver (N. G. Silver & Friends Productions) |
The Death of 4chan |
Video: The Checkered Flag (Preview) Category: Action, Fun Anime: Future GPX Cyber Formula Zero (OAV), Cyber Formula SIN (OVA), Cyber Formula Saga , etc. (+1) Song: Ready for the Victory Artist: Modern Talking Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
The Checkered Flag |
Video: VG4 Project - Journey to Silus Track 06 (Preview) Category: Action, Character Profile, Fun, etc. (+1) Anime: Iria: Zeiram the Animation Song: Journey To Silius Going Home Artist: Mellogear Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
Iria: Journey To Silius |
Video: 4chaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn!!! (Preview) Category: Parody, Fun, Dance Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist (TV), Lucky Star (TV) Song: Motteke! Sailor Fuku Artist: Aya Hirano Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
Dance 6.0 |
Video: IC3 - Match 32 - ngsilver vs Reigna - ngsilver\'s vid (Preview) Category: Action, Other, Fun Anime: Cyber Formula SIN (OVA) Song: transformer Artist: Gnarls Barkley Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
I Can Transform Too! |
Video: Through Death and Back Again (Preview) Category: Action, Serious Anime: Gunbuster (Aim for the Top!) Song: Tom Sawyer Artist: Mindless Self Indulgence Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
Through Death and Back Again |
Video: Naughty S&M (Preview) Category: Action, Drama, Parody, etc. (+1) Anime: Sailor Moon R Song: Requiem for a Dream Artist: Clint Mansell Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
Naughty S&M |
Video: Boss Battle (Preview) Category: Action Anime: Iria: Zeiram the Animation Song: In the Castle Artist: Konami Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
Boss Battle |
Video: When Pigs Fly... (Preview) Category: Action, Drama, Fun, etc. (+2) Anime: Porco Rosso Song: The Legend of Zelda: Orchestra Piece #2 Artist: Koji Kondo Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
When Pigs Fly... |
Video: Indemnification (Preview) Category: Action, Drama, Other, etc. (+3) Anime: Third, The (TV) Song: Grissom\'s Overture Artist: CSI Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
Indemnification |
Video: 1 vs The Multitude (Preview) Category: Action, Fun, Serious, etc. (+1) Anime: Third, The (TV) Song: International Code (ID4) Artist: David Arnold Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
1 vs The Multitude |
Video: Inner Dissension (Preview) Category: Action, Drama, Serious, etc. (+2) Anime: Third, The (TV) Song: Little Nemo: Nightmare King\'s Dream Artist: Shane Barber Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
Inner Dissention |
Video: We Need for Speed Category: Action, Upbeat Source: Speed Racer Movie Song: Granite (original mix) Artist: Pendulum Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad-Raptor) |
We Need for Speed |
Video: Dance 5.0 (Preview) Category: Comedy, Other, Fun, etc. (+1) Anime: Shakugan no Shana (TV), Kimagure Orange Road (TV), Crusher Joe: The Movie, etc. (+11) Song: 1,2,3,4 Artist: Coolio Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
Dance 5.0 |
Video: Did I do That? (Preview) Category: Other, Parody, Serious, etc. (+1) Anime: Memories: Stink Bomb Song: Pierrot Lunaire Artist: Arnold Schoenberg Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
Did I do That? |
Video: Just Passing... (Preview) Category: Parody, Dance, Instrumental Anime: Girl Who Leapt Through Time, The (Movie) Song: Disastro Artist: Sonny J Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
Just Passing... |
Video: Admiration (Preview) Category: Action, Drama, Character Profile, etc. (+2) Anime: Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger (TV) Song: Crash... See You on the Other Side Artist: Butterfly Explosion Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
Admiration |
Video: Dance 7.0 - Back to the 80s... Now in HD! (Preview) Category: Comedy, Other, Fun, etc. (+1) Anime: Is This a Zombie? (TV), Galaxy Angel, Naruto, etc. (+20) Song: You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) Artist: Dead or Alive Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
Dance 7.0 - Back to the 80s - Now in HD! |
Video: Go (Preview) Category: Action, Drama, Character Profile, etc. (+3) Anime: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Song: \'64 Aka Go Artist: Lemon Jelly Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
Go |
Video: Vicissitude (Preview) Category: Action, Character Profile, Fun, etc. (+2) Anime: Space Pirate Captain Harlock Song: The Danger, The Danger (Mitch Murder Remix) Artist: Kristine, Kristine Creator: ngsilver (Chaotic Bad Raptor) |
Vicissitude |