Here I go again with another dramatic video. You'd think after all
the failures I'd learn and just stick to comedy/upbeat. I guess I'm a
hard learner. The big music buff that I am I was listening
to the local radio station when I heard them play this song. It wasn't the
first time I had heard it, and it wasn't the last either, but for some
reason listening to it in the dark on the way to class images started
dancing in my mind and I just had to do something about it. So I came home
and combed my DVD collection to see which anime fit the images I was seeing.
Low and behold I ran across Porco Rosso and from there things just wouldn't
I had to find a copy of the song first, which wasn't hard. E-bay offers great deals on CDs, even used. I searched around the many mp3
preview sites I frequent and found the version of the song that had the best
quality and got a hold of the CD.
So now I'm working on getting the proper clips for the video.
Things have been slow recently as I've been pouring my talents into other
things such as school work, but I don't imagine that once I sit down and
start really working on it again, the video shouldn't take too long to
This video is still a work in progress. Look for a download when I get
enough done to post one. |